Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My little Gunner

Monday, August 17, 2009

Pommel, pommel, pommel ...

Where do you find the wash-knobbs in sweden?
You have to buy a complete blender to get hold of a good one.

I found a substitute, hope it´ll fit as good as anything else.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

My shiny, silver Forcepike!

Well, not really shiny and not a bit silvery. Yet.
But the process is going on. I think that I have all the ingredients, except for the pommel.
Putting it together this weekend and - hopefully - give it a coat of silverpaint.

The journey has been long and bumpy.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It´s allways the smallest things ...

You should think that a simple thing as a nylon belt, or a glove, or a boot - that should be no problem!?!

Well, think again.

Red five, standing by!

Started on the X-Wing pilot.
A new project before the first is closed???
Well, thats me in a nutshell.

The beauty. Altmann no 199

Well, the suit is not really ScreenAccurate.

"All wings, check in!"
"Red 3, standing by!"
"Red 6, standing by!"
"Red 5, standing by!"
"Red Button, standing by!"
"Red Foxx, standing by!"
"Big Red, standing by!"
"Red October, standing by!"
"Helen Reddy, standing by!"
"Simply Red, standing by!"

It´s been awhile.

The summer has now ended. Hopefully this will mean that I can take control over my costuming again, but I fear that I won´t have so much time as I really want.

I couldn´t resist the temptation.

I bought a couple of more of those magnificent helmets of Altmann.

I know that they are a bit too small to be screen accurate, but the X-Wing ... How nice.

And the offer was too good to refuse.